Welcome to Front Seat Life, LLC!

Healthy Illness Podcast

It’s Time to Drive!

Photo credit: Buffalo News

Photo credit: Buffalo News


How do you learn to live? It starts by acknowledging you hold the keys and own the car! In life we can’t control what others think, say or do. What we have control over is our perspective, our actions and reactions. We control where we go and what we do. We control what we accept and don’t accept. We control how we choose to live no matter the circumstance!

How did I get here?

How did depression, anxiety and bpd (borderline personality disorder almost get the best of me?

I had long suffered from mental health challenges. I didn’t really know what life was like without them. I tried to be everything for so long, I didn’t know who I was. During my recovery, I dedicated myself to my healing and learning who I was. Dedicated to learn how to be Kelly Marie and not just the shell of a mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend I was. I learned how to live a Front Seat Life.

Front Seat Life, LLC(sm) living means you acknowledge you are the driver in this road trip called life. You are the one who decides to go left or right at the fork in the road. You decide when to stop and refuel or if you take the scenic route. While you cannot change what life gives you, you can change what you do with what you’re given. You may not be able to control the weather but you do get to determine if you’re going to sing or sulk in the rain! That is truly living. That is Front Seat Life, LLC(sm) living.

I am determined to do more than exist. I am determined to LIVE and live life on purpose. I am determined to live a Front Seat Life and to help you do the same. Join me on this incredible journey.

-Kelly Marie
Founder, Front Seat Life, LLC


Do you need someone to talk to? If you are in immediate need of help please call the Crisis Help Line by dialing 988 on your phone. Or, you can text HOME to 741741. 24/7 confidential support.

If you are looking for life resources of any sort, call the National 211 Collaborative by dialing 211 on your phone or visiting their site http://www.211.org/